Saturday, August 25, 2012

Logos and Magazines and Einstein, Oh My!

I've had such a great year with a lot of exciting design projects and cool clients like home school co-ops Generation Harvest and The Bridge, as well as medical innovators Mercury Medical (Flow-Safe) and professional chorus Gloria Musicae, among others. I design Venice Magazine bi-monthly. I write all of the food articles which you will see below (in addition to designing them). Getting to write is a nice perk of my job. I always glean information from my genius chef husband, Dylan Elhajoui (of MoZaic restaurant in Sarasota) and usually feature his recipes. He photographs his creations to go with my articles—a great collaboration which we both enjoy.

I work with talented photographers and illustrators, which is another highlight of my job. Toward the end of this long entry you will see a few miscellaneous projects including the wedding invitations for my brother John and his sweet wife Junie; a poster for the Sailor Circus (in which my children perform); and a t-shirt I designed for my son who loves Einstein.

The t-shirt features one of my favorite Einstein quotations, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." These are inspiring words from one of the most knowledgable people in history. Today is a good day to use your imagination.